GO South Placer

Go South Placer On-Demand Transit Schedule a Ride with the Tap of a Button

Sit Back, Tap & Relax!

The Go South Placer App allows customers to request their on-demand trips with both Placer County Transit and Roseville Transit via a mobile application.

Placer County Transit has launched the Go South Placer mobile app within the Rocklin/Loomis and Lincoln Dial-A-Ride zones.

Go South Placer service is similar to other ride-share services where customers can use a smartphone app to request a ride that will pick up and drop off passengers within the service boundaries or zones. Following a ride request, the app will provide customers with an estimated pick-up time, allow them to track their bus in real-time and be alerted when their ride is about to arrive. Passengers may request a ride the day of or up to 14-days in advance.

Day of request wait times for service are subject to vehicle availability and demand.

How to Ride

Download the GO S. Placer app and book your trip from the app!

Apple Store
Google Play

• Scan the QR Code and book online

• Call to book: (916) or (530) 745-7560. Agents are available to assist you daily 8am-5pm.

Who Can Ride

Placer County Dial-A-Ride zones offered through the Go South Placer App are open to the general public.

Zones of Operation


Rocklin/Loomis Dial-a-Ride Zone
Operated by Placer County Transit
$2.50 per ride or $1.25 for eligible customers

Hours of Operation and Interactive Rocklin/Loomis Dial-a-Ride Map

Dial-A-Ride Map


Lincoln Dial-a-Ride Zone
Operated by Placer County Transit.
$2.50 per ride or $1.25 for eligible customers

Hours of Operation and Interactive Lincoln Dial-a-Ride Map

Dial-A-Ride Map

Roseville Transit Arrow

Roseville Transit Arrow
Operated by Roseville Transit.
$3.75 per ride or $2.50 for eligible customers

For additional information on the Roseville Transit Arrow click here

Go South Placer Connecting Tips

On-demand services offered via the Go South Placer App operate within specific areas/zones
and do not travel outside of those zones.

To connect between on-demand service zones provided in the GO South Placer app, riders will need to request separate rides from each service provider. Riders can also use fixed-route bus services provided by Roseville Transit and Placer County Transit for trips between and/or outside of the on-demand service zones.

Paying your Fare

Through the mobile app

  • Credit or debit card. Save by purchasing a pass.
  • *Credit card reservations may only be booked 7-days in advance

When you board

  • Cash
  • Use an existing Dial-A-Ride pass

On-Demand Dial-A-Ride service is available to the general public and riders of any age. All vehicles continue to serve ADA Paratransit passengers. 

General Public: $2.50 per Ride

Senior/ADA/Disabled/Youth: $1.25 per Ride

Holiday Schedules

Additional Rider Information can be Found here